
March 1, 2012

Spring has Sprung...Maybe

Let's face it, I'm a procrastinator. Which is precisely the reason that I haven't posted in like 12234565433245984 years. Now that I've got that out of the way...

It appears that spring has sprung here in the mid south. Maybe. The daffodils are blooming, the crab apple trees are blossoming, and then there's that occasional tornado watch. It's great!  And as much as I have missed snow this winter, I have to say I have really been enjoying the warmth. And because it has been so warm I've been making smoothies. A ton of smoothies.

A few weeks ago I got a grand surprise. I had spent the weekend attending a women's retreat at the local church and when I returned the most amazing gift was waiting for me; a brand spankin' new Blendtec! It was an early birthday present form my parents. Very early since my birthday isn't until May, but I'll take presents anytime. Any. Time.

 It's one of the most amazing gifts I have ever received! Thanks Mom and Dad!

So naturally all I've wanted to make is blended things. I have found that you can make a smoothie out of just about anything. And I'm just going to leave it at that....

I've especially been experimenting with "green smoothies" which have fast become my favorite! I was a little skeptical at first. I mean, blended spinach?? For breakfast?!! Weird. But it's surprisingly delicious! And At the moment my favorite breakfast! Not to mention it is the most beautiful spring green.

Green Smoothie

1 Banana
1 Heaping spoon of Almond Butter
1 cup Coconut Milk
1 Scoop of Protein Powder (unflavored)
6 Ice Cubes
As Much Spinach as You Like

*If you prefer it sweeter, you can stevia or agave nectar

Directions: Load blender with above ingredients. Then proceed to blend the heck out of it. Enjoy. That is all. 

Now I'm off to see what other exciting things I can blend...

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