
June 25, 2013

A Belated Birthday Post

A few weeks ago I celebrated my twenty-eighth birthday. It was great. I had dinner out with the fam at an amazing restaurant that promotes local and organic farmers, came home and had a s'more pie, and I got a fair-trade hand woven African market basket (among other things). I mean what more could a girl ask for?! Maybe an organic farmer of her own, but hey, I'll settle for the market basket...this year anyway. It really was a great birthday. And it really got me thinking...ten years ago I graduated high school. Weird. Ten years ago I was planning out my first ever college semester. Double weird. Ten years ago I got my first car, which is still my current car. Awesome!
These are some of the things I've learned over the years. So thankful for God's grace on my life. And thankful for twenty-eight years.

1. Drink water everyday. 80% of the people out there are dehydrated and don't even know it! Freaky.

2. Find at least one thing to be thankful for Every. Day.

3. Learn to laugh at yourself; like if you mistakenly go into the men's bathroom at church...just laugh about it because it is pretty funny.

4. If a guy wants to be with you, he'll make it happen, if he doesn't...Forget about it! You'll be better for it. Trust me.

5. Annnd just say no to "text message" relationships. Just say no.

6. Beauty really is only skin deep. Explore no make-up Mondays for real.

7. Read your Bible everyday.

8. Don't worry so much! Sheesh!

9. Save money. Be thrifty.

10. Get enough sleep!

11. Eat chocolate. It's good for you!

12. Grandparents, parents, siblings, FAMILY...Treasure them always.

13. Do spontaneous things. They make for the best memories.

14. Don't be afraid to do something you've always wanted to do. Just go for it!

15. Yoga. Yeah, do that everyday.

16. If you see an amazing pair of heels, for an amazing price, that you will probably not be able to walk them! and name them "Rhonda" as in "Help me Rhonda!"

17. Eat organic. Life is too short to eat crappy food.

18. Don't pretend to be something you're not to impress someone. In short, don't conform to someone else's idea of who you are. Be the person you were created to be.

19. Send snail mail. I mean who doesn't love getting mail, right!?

20. Nurture the friendships you have with your girlfriends.

21. Don't get pedicures. Just don't. Trust me on this...

22. Love people regardless. I Peter 4:8

23. Never insist on having the "last word."

24. They say a woman's intuition is her greatest sense; don't chalk this up as nonsense.

25. Learn to say "no" to things of insignificant value so you can say "yes" to the important things you are purposed to do.

26. You know those scenes in funny movies where girls skirts get tucked in their underwear after using the restroom? Well, sometimes that can happen in real life I've heard.

27. Don't waste your money on all those lotions and potions that promises "miracle" results. Use coconut oil.

28. You are great just the way you are.

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